Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Global Village Concerns Introduces Exclusive Pop Culture Designs by Hydro74 to the B1self Pro Shops

Global Village Concerns, Inc., a leader in branding, mascot creation and fundraising serving the K-12 education market, today announced the addition of new exclusive designs by Hydro74 to the B1self Shops. Hydro74, aka Joshua Smith, is an accomplished Orlando based artist specializing in design, typography and illustration. Well known for his work with Lucas Films, Burton Snowboards, Hasbro Toys, Nike and Adidas, Hydro74 likes to create his own brand of digital chaos. "Apparel is everything that is meaningful in design because it is a common bond everyone shares. It voices our most inner feelings without having to openly state it each and every time we speak," said Josh. "I am honored to support Global Village Concerns in such a great cause -- helping schools and future artists across the country." Josh's art is one of todays most requested and some of the most well known creations in the field.

Global Village Concerns has partnered with Hydro74 to bring pop fashion to the B1self school stores. School pride and fashion shouldnt have to be mutually exclusive, said Scott Sorenson, VP of Marketing for Global Village Concerns. Were leading the charge to make clip art, athletic block lettering and unisex t-shirts a thing of the past. Students, parents and faculty can proudly show off their school spirit without sacrificing their personal style. B1self represents being united around your cause (B1) while being able to express yourself as an individual (self). Partnering with Hydro74 is a first step in bringing todays hottest design trends into the school stores.

The B1self Program helps cause-based organizations such as schools and nonprofits, enabling them to promote their cause, increase community involvement and receive money back for purchases from their online store. With no inventory to purchase, no shipping to hassle with, a robust online store and gamified gift registry to excite and engage participants, B1self is the safe and smarter way to fund raise.

About Global Village Concerns

Global Village Concerns (GVC), a world leader in brand and mascot creation in the K-12 education market, offers services through their proprietary online social commerce platform (B1selfshops.com) that enables cause-based organizations to promote their brands, enlist supporters and generate incremental revenue for their causes. Founded in 2009, Global Village Concerns is based in San Diego, CA. For more information please visit http://www.globalvillageconcerns.com, or to learn more about the B1self Program, visit http://www.brandempowerment.com.

More information you can also find on website: Business Partnership

News source: PRWeb

Global Village Concerns Introduces Exclusive Pop Culture Designs by Hydro74 to the B1self Pro Shops

See also:

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?
This ignorance stems from one fundamental factor. We are still fuzzy about the true nature of the brain and mind and the differences between the two. Lets examine the mind first.Our experts are so...

David deForest Keys Comments on New Trends in Tech, Education
According to this year's NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edition, there are many big tech trends will surely shape education in the year to come--and these trends have won a comment from investorDavid...

Agents Like Snowden Prone to Irrational Decision Making
ITHACA, N.Y. U.S. intelligence agents like the embattled Edward Snowden are more prone to irrational inconsistencies in decision making when compared to college students and post-college adults....

Monday, July 8, 2013

Agents Like Snowden Prone to Irrational Decision Making

ITHACA, N.Y. U.S. intelligence agents like the embattled Edward Snowden are more prone to irrational inconsistencies in decision making when compared to college students and post-college adults. Thats according a new Cornell University study to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science.

The study found intelligence agents exhibited larger biases on 30 gain-loss framing decisions, and were also more confident in those decisions. Thirty-six agents were recruited for the study from an anonymous federal agency, and were presented with scenarios such as:

- The U.S. is preparing for the outbreak of an unusual disease, which is expected to kill 600 people. Do you: Save 200 people for sure, or choose the option with 1/3 probability that 600 will be saved and a 2/3 probability no one will be saved?

- In the same scenario, do you pick the option where 400 will surely die, or instead a 2/3 probability that all 600 will die and a 1/3 probability no one dies?

The results showed agents treated equivalent outcomes differently based on superficial wording. They were more willing than college students to take risks with human lives when outcomes were framed as losses.

These results shed light on the decision-making mechanisms of intelligence agents who identify and mitigate risks to national security, said Valerie Reyna, Cornell professor of human development and psychology, and lead author of the study. Like some other laboratory gambling tasks, framing effects have been shown to predict real-world behavior, Reyna added.

Reyna also said these results suggest that meaning and context play a larger role in risky decision-making as experts gain experience. That experience can enhance performance, but also has predictable pitfalls.

More from the journal Psychological Science:

Contact Syl Kacapyr for information about Cornell's TV and radio studios.

More information you can also find on website: College Credit

News source: NewsWise

Agents Like Snowden Prone to Irrational Decision Making

See also:

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop: Develop Your Cabaret Persona
What does it take to be a cabaret artiste?The Singers' Cabaret Workshop develops singers' cabaret skillsCampaigns for cabaret to be recognised as a genre began in 2006, spearheaded by artists Paul L...

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?
This ignorance stems from one fundamental factor. We are still fuzzy about the true nature of the brain and mind and the differences between the two. Lets examine the mind first.Our experts are so...

David deForest Keys Comments on New Trends in Tech, Education
According to this year's NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edition, there are many big tech trends will surely shape education in the year to come--and these trends have won a comment from investorDavid...

David deForest Keys Comments on New Trends in Tech, Education

According to this year's NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edition, there are many big tech trends will surely shape education in the year to come--and these trends have won a comment from investor
David deForest Keys. David deForest Keys has invested in, or consulted with, a number of leading educational tech companies, ranging from Brainscape to MeeGenius. He has also released a new statement to the press, commenting on the findings in the NMC report.

"All of these trends are being modeled in the corporate learning space, including Healthcare, which is famously slow to adopt technology," notes deForest Keys, in his new statement to the press. "Companies are trying to deliver more education with less investment--that is, relying less on educators and more on technology. This is very effective especially in the 'flipped classroom model' where all of the pre-requisite learning is delivered via digital devices and then the classroom serves as a master class. In other words when professionals (sales reps or even surgeons) come into the classroom or lab they have attained the baseline knowledge and then the classroom experience becomes interactive and high level instruction rather than lecture-based. This is the future."

As for the trends noted in the NMC report, there are several worth noting, beginning with the increased presence of the Internet in students' lives outside of the classroom--and in particular on mobile devices. This allows for more and more online and blended learning models to be implemented in schools, the report notes. This trend is also bolstered by an increased tolerance--and even increased zeal--among educators to use mobile devices and tablets as learning tools. As mobile devices become less and less costly, they become more and more commonplace in America's classrooms, and are increasingly recognized to be powerful educational resources.

The report also notes that print and digital textbooks are getting more and more competition from open-source content; educators love this, as it allows them to draw from content beyond the traditional textbook realm.

Additionally, more and more educators are finding encouragement through social networking. While teachers can sometimes feel isolated in their profession, the advent of social media has made it easier than ever for them to locate new lesson ideas, teaching techniques, or simple words of advice and encouragement from fellow educators.

With these new trends and opportunities there also come some challenges. One of the most significant challenges that today's teachers face is that there simply are not enough professional development opportunities for teachers who are not particularly tech-savvy, or who are not entirely comfortable using technology in their classrooms.

Additionally, there are more and more students, parents, and educators who are pushing for personalized learning technology--but while the demand is there, the technology itself is not.

One of the concluding points made by the report is that, in the year to come, mobile learning could reach a milestone--20 percent saturation in America's classrooms.

David deForest Keys is a passionate advocate of educational technology, and also a leading investor.


David deForest Keys is an investor and consultant whose passion is for educational technology. He has worked with, or invested in, such unique products and endeavors as Brainscape and MeeGenius, and is also the CEO of the medical education company 3PS Partners Inc.

Contact Information: Molly Bronden
PR Management
Philadelphia, PA
Voice: 484-362-9658

David deForest Keys Comments on New Trends in Tech, Education

See also:

TechniTrader(r) Summer 2013 Lab Classes Are Starting!
Registration is NOW open for the Summer 2013 Lab Classes at TechniTrader starting on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013. Below is a preview of the classes that will be available for registration.Lab Classes are...

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop: Develop Your Cabaret Persona
What does it take to be a cabaret artiste?The Singers' Cabaret Workshop develops singers' cabaret skillsCampaigns for cabaret to be recognised as a genre began in 2006, spearheaded by artists Paul L...

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?
This ignorance stems from one fundamental factor. We are still fuzzy about the true nature of the brain and mind and the differences between the two. Lets examine the mind first.Our experts are so...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

This ignorance stems from one fundamental factor. We are still fuzzy about the true nature of the brain and mind and the differences between the two. Lets examine the mind first.

Our experts are so confused about the mind that we do not have mind as a topic in High School psychology text books. Yet it is the mind that is the most important part of our being human.

One of the big problems of science is that we are obsessed with defining the mind only after we can scientifically prove what the mind is. The focus is on trying to figure out what is the mind before we can teach about the mind.

Indeed the area of knowledge on the mind is dark and yet isn't some light better than no light?

Would you like to see your mind? Your self image is the face of your mind. You change your self image you change your mind. You educate your self image, you educate your mind. Till the time we are able to define the mind scientifically we can say that the self image is the mind. Mind education can be none other than self image education; at least for the time being. The main factor is that we do not need to know exactly what the mind is to educate the mind into becoming +2 super mature.

However self image education must be introduced on it's own accord. It is the quality of the self image that determines the quality of the emotional intelligence. Thus emotional intelligence education is self image education. Isn't it amazing that the self image is the litmus test of a super mature mind and yet the self image as a subject that needs to be studied, researched and taught is totally missing.

It is astounding how our experts have missed the importance of educating the self image; after all educating the self image is educating the mind.

All the human made mess in society is due to emotionally challenged behavior which is caused by the impure/phony/defective self image. Educating the self image into becoming the pure self will take away most of the man made mess and will make the whole society wise.

Thus the main factor is that we do not need to know exactly what the mind is to educate the mind into becoming +2 super mature. All we need to do is educate the self image and we will be educating the mind.

It is about time our text book writers and our experts introduced self image as a topic in psychology education. And a whole new bunch of researchers must take up researching the self image; what it is and how each and every self image can be transformed into becoming the pure self.

Are you going to keep talking the talk of improving education or are you ready to walk the walk for real education reform?

This press release is also addressed to all our education leaders; including Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Google Bosses, Mark Zuckerberg, Mayor Bloomberg, Senator Kerry, Senator McCain, Senator Menendez, soon to be Senator Booker, China leadership, Sheikha Mozah, Queen Noor, Harry Cahill, Education Secretary, Prince Charles, Deepak Chopra and Meera Gandhi etc.

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

More information you can also find on website: Google Affiliate

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

See also:

kPoint wins LearnTech Global e-learning Award for “Learning Technologies Solution”
July 01, 2013, kPoint Technologies wins the award for Learning Technologies Solution in recently conducted awards at World Education Congress, Taj Lands End. This award recognizes excellence in...

TechniTrader(r) Summer 2013 Lab Classes Are Starting!
Registration is NOW open for the Summer 2013 Lab Classes at TechniTrader starting on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013. Below is a preview of the classes that will be available for registration.Lab Classes are...

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop: Develop Your Cabaret Persona
What does it take to be a cabaret artiste?The Singers' Cabaret Workshop develops singers' cabaret skillsCampaigns for cabaret to be recognised as a genre began in 2006, spearheaded by artists Paul L...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop: Develop Your Cabaret Persona

What does it take to be a cabaret artiste?
The Singers' Cabaret Workshop develops singers' cabaret skills

Campaigns for cabaret to be recognised as a genre began in 2006, spearheaded by artists Paul L Martin, Sarah-Louise Young, Dusty Limits and Time Out journalists Simone Baird and Ben Walters. In 2012, Frisky and Mannish led Cabariot, a movement sparked by Gary Barlow's use of "too cabaret" as a derogatory comment on the X Factor.

So what is cabaret and what are its demands on the performer?

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop, taught by founder of the London Cabaret Awards Paul L Martin and vocal coach Jamie Anderson, runs from the 20th to 30th of August 2013. Designed for professional singers, the course develops each participant's cabaret persona to help them conquer the hazardous stages of the cabaret circuit.

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop is a two-week course run by leading cabaret artistes Paul L Martin (founder of the London Cabaret Awards and Excess All Areas entertainment agency) and Jamie Anderson (vocal coach at Musical Theatre Academy; vocal director of 1916 - The Musical)

Acclaimed performer and writer Sarah-Louise Young (guest soprano in Fascinating Ada; award-winning creator of Cabaret Whore! and Cabaret Whore Encore!) will teach a guest workshop in clowning

The only course of its kind in the UK, the Singers' Cabaret Workshop is a unique opportunity to be mentored by top UK cabaret practitioners to craft a totally individual cabaret set and persona. The course culminates in a showcase performance for invited industry professionals offering the rare opportunity for participants to demonstrate their newly-developed skills in front of leading professionals in the cabaret field.

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop will take place at The Poor School (242 Pentonville Rd, London N1 9JY) and the industry showcase will take place on Friday 30 August at historic cabaret venue The Pheasantry (152 Kings Road, London, SW3 4UT).

More information is available here: http://www.singerscabaretworkshop.co.uk/

Contact: Vanessa Pope, Excess All Areas
+44 (0)20 8761 2384 / vanessa@excessallareas.co.uk

Contact Information: Vanessa Pope
Excess All Areas
London, London
United Kingdom
Voice: 020 8761 2384

More information you can also find on website: Musical Theatre

The Singers' Cabaret Workshop: Develop Your Cabaret Persona

See also:

CADLearning Announces AutoCAD 2014 Course for Individuals, Students, Faculty
4D Technologies, Autodesk Authorized Publisher and maker of the industry-leading CADLearning products for Autodesk software, announced today a new CADLearning course for AutoCAD 2014.CADLearning for...

kPoint wins LearnTech Global e-learning Award for “Learning Technologies Solution”
July 01, 2013, kPoint Technologies wins the award for Learning Technologies Solution in recently conducted awards at World Education Congress, Taj Lands End. This award recognizes excellence in...

TechniTrader(r) Summer 2013 Lab Classes Are Starting!
Registration is NOW open for the Summer 2013 Lab Classes at TechniTrader starting on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013. Below is a preview of the classes that will be available for registration.Lab Classes are...

Friday, July 5, 2013

TechniTrader(r) Summer 2013 Lab Classes Are Starting!

Registration is NOW open for the Summer 2013 Lab Classes at TechniTrader starting on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013. Below is a preview of the classes that will be available for registration.

Lab Classes are 4-10 week on-line courses that are offered in a semester style format. Each lab class takes a specific topic that is explained in great depth. Graphs, charts, and other visual tutorials are used to aid the student in learning the material quickly.

Lab Classes are developed and taught by Martha Stokes C.M.T. a Master Technical Analyst for Decisions Unlimited, Inc. and instructor and co-developer of the TechniTrader educational programs.

Lab class students may ask questions during the lab class and Ms. Stokes will answer these questions the following week in the lab class. This gives you a personal connection to Ms. Stokes to help you understand all of the material presented during the lab class. This is a hands-on class and there will be some homework assignments with a review of the assignment the following week.

Lab classes are posted on our student site, there is one lesson per week for the duration of each course.

Class 1: Understanding Inflation, Deflation, and how it Impacts the Financial Markets

Due to a common concern over inflation, Martha has put together a lab class on Understanding Inflation, Deflation, and Disinflation and how it impacts the Financial Markets! Not only has Martha prospered through the worst inflation in the past century, but her financial mentor, her grandfather, lived and prospered through the worst deflation period in US history.

This lab class will help anyone who wants to do well during a period of rising inflation with their long term investments and trading the market.

Experience Level: Novice

Start Date: 7/09/13
8 week Lab Class

Class 2: New Technology Product Cycle Part I

If you are a long term investor, someone managing a retirement account, or a position trader, this lab class will help you select the best stocks emerging from new technology fields right now. This is a 2-semester course, 16 total weeks of training. Martha Stokes C.M.T. earned her title with her thesis, "Cycle Evolution Theory." The New Technology Product Cycle is a major part of that work. Learn from the original author how to use this important cycle for finding the next generation of dominant stocks for your portfolio or for short term trading.

Experience Level: All Levels

Start Date: 7/09/13
8 Week Lab Class

Contact us at 888 846 5577 for more information...

TechniTrader is a stock market educational company devoted to providing quality educational programs for traders at any level, from beginners to experts. For further information, please contact us at (888) 846-5577.

Contact Information: Cheryl Evans
Auburn, WA
United States
Voice: 888-846-5577

TechniTrader(r) Summer 2013 Lab Classes Are Starting!

See also:

CouponAlbum Geared Up with Fourth of July 2013 Deals!
Fireworks, parades, grilling & barbeque delights, and amusing getaways, all call for Independence Day celebrations. But nothing celebrates Fourth of July quite like big money savings and that's...

CADLearning Announces AutoCAD 2014 Course for Individuals, Students, Faculty
4D Technologies, Autodesk Authorized Publisher and maker of the industry-leading CADLearning products for Autodesk software, announced today a new CADLearning course for AutoCAD 2014.CADLearning for...

kPoint wins LearnTech Global e-learning Award for “Learning Technologies Solution”
July 01, 2013, kPoint Technologies wins the award for Learning Technologies Solution in recently conducted awards at World Education Congress, Taj Lands End. This award recognizes excellence in...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

kPoint wins LearnTech Global e-learning Award for “Learning Technologies Solution”

July 01, 2013, kPoint Technologies wins the award for Learning Technologies Solution in recently conducted awards at World Education Congress, Taj Lands End. This award recognizes excellence in support of e-learning programs, projects, tools, strategies, teams or individuals through technology solutions. The selection process focused on the best and most innovative use of an existing or new technology to enhance learning.
Videos play a crucial role in asynchronous learning experience. kPoint Technologies product kPoint overcomes many issues with existing video tools. kPoint provides a cloud based video creation and sharing platform. kPoint is used by many leading organizations in India in Learning and Development departments for agile video creation and sharing. kPoint is largely used to train employees, distributors and customers. These videos are searchable and discoverable. While todays L&D departments use a lot of different technologies, most technologies work in isolation. kPoint seamlessly integrates with in-house applications or cloud based platforms. e.g. SharePoint, Confluence and eMee. This integration makes organizational learning simpler via easy access.
Shridhar Shukla, Managing Director, kPoint, said, It is a proud moment to be recognized by World Education Congress. In L&D space, there are many stakeholders such as trainers, learners, IT and process owners. There all have very diverse needs. kPoint is designed keeping the holistic picture in mind. Traditional e-learning videos are costly and time consuming. kPoint meets the special need of capturing in-house subject matter expertise.
"At Global e-learning award, we recognize technologies that are making corporate training more effective. These innovative technologies change the landscape and cater to newer challenges in L&D community." saidR. L. Bhatia, Chairman Global e-learning award.
The World Education Congress explores how education can help develop mental, emotional and physical skills to help facilitate personal excellence as well as psychological and socio-economic wellbeing, in the challenging times the world faces today.
About kPoint
kPoint is an on-demand video platform tool for enterprises & consumers that is secure, scalable and places a premium on user engagement. With patent pending systems and features like rapid video creation, multimedia mashup, engaging analytics andsearch within a video, kPoint delivers value by reducing cost and improving productivity. kPoint has a growing list of over 40,000 users and several dozen customers.
kPoint has offices in Chicago, IL and Pune, India. For more information, please visitwww.kPoint.com.

Media Contact:
Rumki Mukherjee
Phone: +91 20 4671 1095

Neeraj Mehendale
kPoint Technologies
8th Floor, Amar Arma Genesis Opp. Sapphire Chambers Baner Road, Baner
Pune Maharashtra, 411045

kPoint wins LearnTech Global e-learning Award for “Learning Technologies Solution”

See also:

Westminster College Breaks New Global Ground with First Ever Online High School Courses in Turkey
This summer Westminster College in Fulton, MO breaks new global ground in the field of online study by offering the first courses in online and hybrid formats ever taught to Turkish high school...

CouponAlbum Geared Up with Fourth of July 2013 Deals!
Fireworks, parades, grilling & barbeque delights, and amusing getaways, all call for Independence Day celebrations. But nothing celebrates Fourth of July quite like big money savings and that's...

CADLearning Announces AutoCAD 2014 Course for Individuals, Students, Faculty
4D Technologies, Autodesk Authorized Publisher and maker of the industry-leading CADLearning products for Autodesk software, announced today a new CADLearning course for AutoCAD 2014.CADLearning for...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

CADLearning Announces AutoCAD 2014 Course for Individuals, Students, Faculty

4D Technologies, Autodesk Authorized Publisher and maker of the industry-leading CADLearning products for Autodesk software, announced today a new CADLearning course for AutoCAD 2014.

CADLearning for AutoCAD 2014 offers over 48 hours of training and 750 searchable video tutorials. Taught by David Cohn, the course delivers training and tutorials for the latest 2D and 3D designs features of AutoCAD. Topics include basics such as menus, controls and settings; customizing tool palettes, ribbon tabs, and custom workspaces; and how to create and modify 2D and 3D objects.

CADLearning for AutoCAD uses video tutorials and exercise files to teach beginner, intermediate and advanced users the essential functions of the software. said Cohn. Being able to search the lessons and take the assessments make this an ideal self-paced learning tool for learners at all levels. David is a licensed architect and practiced for 10 years before leaving his firm to focus on CAD consulting, training, writing, and development. He has been using AutoCAD for more than 25 years and has also taught the program both professionally and to students at the college level during much of that time. He is both a Revit Architecture and AutoCAD certified professional and written numerous books and magazine articles about both programs.

CADLearning lessons are developed and instructed by industry respected subject matter experts to deliver the most comprehensive, consistently high-quality Autodesk software courses available. Subscribe online for instant access to CADLearning courses with uniquely searchable video tutorials, complete exercise files, and learning assessments to track progress.

Visit http://www.cadlearning.com/autocad-tutorials to watch sample video tutorials, view course details, and to learn more about subscription options for individuals, Education, Enterprise and Government.

About CADLearning:
CADLearning comprehensive, self-paced professional learning content is designed to maximize performance with Autodesk 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. This continuously growing library of learning material stays current with the latest software releases and covers topics from beginner through advanced. CADLearning is developed by 4D Technologies, LLC.

CADLearning is a trademark of 4D Technologies. Autodesk and AutoCAD are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

News source: PRWeb

CADLearning Announces AutoCAD 2014 Course for Individuals, Students, Faculty

See also:

CanadaQBank Offers Software Subscription Services for Institutions
The online test preparation service for medical licensing exams in both Canada and the United States CanadaQBank has now begun offering subscription services for institutions. These subscriptions are...

Westminster College Breaks New Global Ground with First Ever Online High School Courses in Turkey
This summer Westminster College in Fulton, MO breaks new global ground in the field of online study by offering the first courses in online and hybrid formats ever taught to Turkish high school...

CouponAlbum Geared Up with Fourth of July 2013 Deals!
Fireworks, parades, grilling & barbeque delights, and amusing getaways, all call for Independence Day celebrations. But nothing celebrates Fourth of July quite like big money savings and that's...

Monday, July 1, 2013

CouponAlbum Geared Up with Fourth of July 2013 Deals!

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Vik Mehta
Sunnyvale California, 94087

More information you can also find on website: Business

CouponAlbum Geared Up with Fourth of July 2013 Deals!

See also:

Chef Eddie Wilson Of The Chef's Academy Joins North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Board
The Chef's Academy (http://www.thechefsacademy.com), the Culinary Division of Harrison College, a 110-year-old, nationally accredited institution that offers more than 40 degree programs in five...

CanadaQBank Offers Software Subscription Services for Institutions
The online test preparation service for medical licensing exams in both Canada and the United States CanadaQBank has now begun offering subscription services for institutions. These subscriptions are...

Westminster College Breaks New Global Ground with First Ever Online High School Courses in Turkey
This summer Westminster College in Fulton, MO breaks new global ground in the field of online study by offering the first courses in online and hybrid formats ever taught to Turkish high school...

Westminster College Breaks New Global Ground with First Ever Online High School Courses in Turkey

This summer Westminster College in Fulton, MO breaks new global ground in the field of online study by offering the first courses in online and hybrid formats ever taught to Turkish high school students at their own school.

According to a new national study by The Sloan Consortium, the enrollment growth in American college online courses is outpacing those of higher education as a whole. Nearly one third of all those enrolled in higher education today are taking at least one online class.

U.S. News & World Report finds more than 6.7 million college students, or 32% of those enrolled in higher education, took at least one online course during the fall 2011 semester. This marks the 10th straight year of growth in the number of students taking courses online.

At the same time, the number of colleges and universities offering online classes has dramatically increased over the past decade, nearly doubling. In 2002, just 32.5% offered online programs. Today that percentage has grown to 62.4%.

From June 12-July 3, The Center for Engaging the World (CEW) at Westminster is operating a program known as the Westminster College-Bilfen Schools Undergraduate Early Start program at two high schools in Istanbul, Turkey.

Fourteen Bilfen students are taking either an English academic writing course or an introduction to transnational and international studies course this summer. Westminster professors Matt Murrie and Wynter Miller teach the courses online and Miller will offer a hybrid course on site with some in-class instruction.

Courses offered are Academic Writing and Introduction to Transnational Studies and enrolled students will receive three hours of college credit per course.

Courses are taught by a Westminster College professor with personalized assistance for the students from an additional American academic assistant, who is onsite. Sara Osman, a Westminster senior from Beirut, Lebanon, is available in Turkey, working in the Westminster College-Bilfen Academic Lab at the Bilfen Schools.

The CEW is partnering with Bilfen to provide the learning lab at one of the two high schools where a Westminster faculty member and a Westminster student run the lab and tutor the Bilfen students as they take their courses online and in hybrid formats.

This is an historic step in Westminster Colleges engagement with the globe, says Dr. Kurt Jefferson, Director of The Center for Engaging the World at Westminster, who administers the program. And it will be a special summer academic experience for the Turkish high school students who participate. They will be able to study on their own campus and in the privacy of their own homes.

On Feb. 26, Westminster College had 29 Turkish high school students at Bilfen Schools attend a prospects meeting in Istanbul about taking one or two Westminster courses this summer.

CEW leadership is already in discussion with Bilfen Schools about ways their partnership could be expanded if these initial courses prove successful.

Bilfen Schools is a 26-school system in Istanbul and the Westminster online high school early start program is a global first in the country. Only a few other colleges and universities are operating on-line high school programs in other countries.

Westminster College is truly living up to its mantra of creating Leaders in a Global Community, says Dr. Jefferson. We believe that our work in Turkey will help build bridges between the United States and Turkey and allow Westminster to continue as a leader in global education.

More information you can also find on website: Business Partnership

News source: PRWeb

Westminster College Breaks New Global Ground with First Ever Online High School Courses in Turkey

See also:

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Chef Eddie Wilson Of The Chef's Academy Joins North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Board
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CanadaQBank Offers Software Subscription Services for Institutions
The online test preparation service for medical licensing exams in both Canada and the United States CanadaQBank has now begun offering subscription services for institutions. These subscriptions are...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

CanadaQBank Offers Software Subscription Services for Institutions

The online test preparation service for medical licensing exams in both Canada and the United States CanadaQBank has now begun offering subscription services for institutions. These subscriptions are available to all interested institutions including licensing authorities and colleges, medical schools, medical colleges, teaching hospitals, residency programs, medical libraries, associations, federations, societies, councils and organizations.

These subscription services can be tailored specifically to the institution's academic or professional needs. CanadaQBank works to bundle their products together for a complete solution. The benefits of these types of subscriptions for institutions include having reports that show the activity of members, a significant reduction in prices for members, unlimited usage of the services for members, IP and email authentication are available at no extra change, a unique portal for the institution is set up and it is completed very quickly - usually within just a few days.

Some of the customers who are already availing themselves of the institution software subscription services from CanadaQBank include the University of Montreal, the University of Queensland's School of Medicine, Lavall University, the Medical Students' Society of McGill University and Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services (ISIS).

CanadaQBank offers discounts to institutions that are looking to access their online question banks. Interested institutions can visit their website at www.canadaqbank.com for further details and contact information.

The CanadaQBank website launched in 2008 and has steadily built up its reputation since then. The question banks help users to prepare for the MCCEE, MCCQE Part 1 and MCCQE Part 2. The service is extremely user friendly and completely web-based allowing users to access the site easily regardless of the day or time. This company is always continuing to grow and expand to help better meet the needs of its users by offering videos, mobile apps, mock tests, interactive textbooks and more.

Contact Information: Randal Stevens
Royal Oak, MI
Voice: 111-111-1111

CanadaQBank Offers Software Subscription Services for Institutions

See also:

Educational Institutions Enjoying Benefits of Help Desk Premier at No Cost
Help Desk Premier was offered at no cost to educational institutions through March of 2013. Dozens of schools, from K-12 through National Universities took advantage of this offer, and are now...

Junk Yards in Summerville, SC Join AutoProsUSA.com Partner Network Online
Auto parts buyers in the state of South Carolina now have an easier way to purchase preowned units from local suppliers by way of the Internet. The AutoProsUSA.com company has launched its supplier...

Chef Eddie Wilson Of The Chef's Academy Joins North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Board
The Chef's Academy (http://www.thechefsacademy.com), the Culinary Division of Harrison College, a 110-year-old, nationally accredited institution that offers more than 40 degree programs in five...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chef Eddie Wilson Of The Chef's Academy Joins North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Board

The Chef's Academy (http://www.thechefsacademy.com), the Culinary Division of Harrison College, a 110-year-old, nationally accredited institution that offers more than 40 degree programs in five schools of study, has announced that Eddie Wilson, executive chef of the institution's North Carolina campus, has been named to the North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation (NC HEF) Board of Directors. As a member of the organization's board, Wilson will work to advance the hospitality industry by collaborating with others in the restaurant and lodging industries to innovate new ideas and support the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association on crucial legislative issues.

A nonprofit organization that offers scholarships to students studying hospitality and tourism, the NC HEF provides developmental and educational support to current and prospective members of the state's hospitality workforce. As a division of the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association (NCRLA), the organization represents more than 16,000 businesses and their employees across the state and works to safeguard the interests of its members and protect their business interests while ensuring the safety, health and enjoyment of the dining and lodging public.

"I am honored to be joining the board of an organization that is so beneficial to our state's hospitality industry," said Wilson. "NC HEF helps support current and entering students of The Chef's Academy through scholarships, grants, continuing education and career programming, so I am eager to get involved as an advocate of the hospitality industry in North Carolina."

"At The Chef's Academy we are consistently focused on community service and actively work to develop relationships with the communities surrounding our campus and across the state," said Chef Jeffrey Bane, Morrisville campus president and national dean for The Chef's Academy."The Chef's Academy and NC HEF share the same goal of building North Carolina's hospitality workforce and we are proud to offer our support."

The Chef's Academy Twitter:

The Chef's Academy Facebook:

The Chef's Academy Blog:

The Chef's Academy YouTube Channel:

The Chef's Academy Pinterest:

The Chef's Academy is the Culinary Division of Harrison College, a 110-year-old, nationally accredited institution that offers 40 degree programs in five schools of study. More than 6,000 students altogether are enrolled at Harrison College's 12 campuses, its online division and The Chef's Academy. Headquartered in Indianapolis, The Chef's Academy opened a second academy on a 4.37-acre campus in North Carolina's Triangle in August 2011. At The Chef's Academy, students become prepared and marketable graduates entering the fields of culinary arts, pastry arts, and hospitality and restaurant management through classroom and experiential instruction that sets up expectations for the real-life industry. The college's culinary division provides an environment that fosters students' passion for culinary arts and hospitality and a curriculum developed by the most qualified instructors and leaders in the market. The Chef's Academy is endorsed and accredited by the American Culinary Federation (ACF). For more information about The Chef's Academy, visit http://www.thechefsacademy.com.

Anjelica Cummings
MMI Public Relations
(919) 233-6600

Contact Information: Robert Buhler
MMI Public Relations
Cary, NC
United States
Voice: 9192336600

Chef Eddie Wilson Of The Chef's Academy Joins North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Board

See also:

Tyler Pieron Announces School Board Candidacy
Boswells Tavern, VA Tyler Pieron announced his candidacy for the Louisa County School Board representing the Green Springs District. Mr. Pieron released the following statement to the media.As a...

Educational Institutions Enjoying Benefits of Help Desk Premier at No Cost
Help Desk Premier was offered at no cost to educational institutions through March of 2013. Dozens of schools, from K-12 through National Universities took advantage of this offer, and are now...

Junk Yards in Summerville, SC Join AutoProsUSA.com Partner Network Online
Auto parts buyers in the state of South Carolina now have an easier way to purchase preowned units from local suppliers by way of the Internet. The AutoProsUSA.com company has launched its supplier...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Junk Yards in Summerville, SC Join AutoProsUSA.com Partner Network Online

Auto parts buyers in the state of South Carolina now have an easier way to purchase preowned units from local suppliers by way of the Internet. The AutoProsUSA.com company has launched its supplier network for secondary market sellers online this year. A group of junk yards in Summerville, SC have now joined this partner network at http://autoprosusa.com/junk-yards-in-summerville-sc online.

These companies represent some of the best local yards currently offering inventory to the public at discount prices.

The inclusion of these yards is one way that is being used to present better automotive parts options to consumers in the state of South Carolina. New partnerships have been launched this year with leading companies currently without an online presence.

Because thousands of parts exist through junkyards, including these for sale online is one expense that small companies can have trouble investing into.

"We're able to connect companies with consumers in all parts of the U.S.," a rep from the Auto Pros company added. The strategy for helping more people purchase auto parts from multiple sellers is in comparison with the older approach of depending on one source to supply parts and accessories. The distribution agreements set up to provide order fulfillment remain in place and pricing is maintained through these partnerships.

The new partnerships made with Carolina junk yards includes North Carolina companies added earlier this year. Raleigh and surrounding cities are now part of the distribution program that is now setup. Auto parts customers throughout the Carolinas now have the ability to locate vintage and other part types by researching http://autoprosusa.com/used-auto-parts-raleigh-nc and using the quote tools provided.

About AutoProsUSA.com

The AutoProsUSA.com company supplies immediate online access to hundreds of salvage companies and junkyards for filling auto parts orders for consumers in all 50 U.S. states. This company frequently networks and adds new companies able to offer parts unable to be found in regular retail outlets. Company pricing is maintained through partner companies that quote consumer pricing online. The AutoProsUSA.com company helps negotiate freight incentives and other options that are applied to consumer orders when purchased online or by toll-free number through the company specialists.

More information you can also find on website: Business

News source: PRWeb

Junk Yards in Summerville, SC Join AutoProsUSA.com Partner Network Online

See also:

Schools Choose Dell to Personalize Learning and Innovate Student Engagement
Round Rock, TexasDell recommends five-step process to help schools implement personalized learningMore than 12 school districts in just the past two months choose Dell to transform learningEducators...

Tyler Pieron Announces School Board Candidacy
Boswells Tavern, VA Tyler Pieron announced his candidacy for the Louisa County School Board representing the Green Springs District. Mr. Pieron released the following statement to the media.As a...

Educational Institutions Enjoying Benefits of Help Desk Premier at No Cost
Help Desk Premier was offered at no cost to educational institutions through March of 2013. Dozens of schools, from K-12 through National Universities took advantage of this offer, and are now...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Educational Institutions Enjoying Benefits of Help Desk Premier at No Cost

Help Desk Premier was offered at no cost to educational institutions through March of 2013. Dozens of schools, from K-12 through National Universities took advantage of this offer, and are now realizing the benefits of the software, including as an educational tool.

While many schools received their free license to use as their IT departments help desk software, others requested their license to use the software as an educational tool. The NSW Governments Department of Education and Communities in Sydney Australia acquired a license for use at Miller College in Miller, NSW Australia. Miller College needed help desk software as part of their redesigned courses that included running a simulated service desk run by their students. The purpose was to allow students to gain skills and experience working on a customer support team to assist them in securing future employment in the IT industry. They also used Help Desk Premier to provide IT support for other students and the community.

The project was a resounding success, according to John Dixon, the IT Teacher who led the course. The students have really found Help Desk Premier to be a user-friendly system and it has been invaluable in teaching students what it is like to work on a Service Desk / Desktop Support team. It has been a huge improvement over the software that I used last year to the point that last semesters group is a little jealous of it, Dixon said.

Help Desk Premier is newly redesigned help desk software well suited to IT Help Desks, Service Desks, and Customer Support operations of all types. It installs on-premise within an organizations network, and requires minimal effort to install or maintain. Help Desk Premier offers an array of impressive features, including:
  • Full Email Integration
  • Active Directory Integration
  • Multiple Domain Support
  • Automatic Ticket Escalation and Notification
  • Change Management
  • Flexible Customization Capabilities
  • Extensive Reporting including Scheduled and Memorized Reports
  • Customer self-service Portal

To see photos of the Miller College students using Help Desk Premier in their studies, visit the Help Desk Premier blog post on this topic.

BrightBox Solutions and Help Desk Premier recently relocated their website to a new home, which is http://www.helpdesksoftware.biz. For more information, please visit the web site or contact them at 888-885-2401.

About Help Desk Premier
Help Desk Premier Software is a flexible helpdesk, service desk and all-purpose issue tracking tool for providing technical support to customers. The product is comprehensive, customizable and scalable, yet extremely affordable, making it the ideal solution for startups and other small companies. The software has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for organizations to be up and running quickly. Although it is an economical option in the marketplace, Help Desk Premier offers the type of robust features that are typically found in many high-end help desk products. Help Desk Premier is utilized by organizations of all types and sizes worldwide.

More information you can also find on website: Outsourcing Help Desk

News source: PRWeb

Educational Institutions Enjoying Benefits of Help Desk Premier at No Cost

See also:

Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship
Some of the worlds foremost experts on digital citizenship will discuss the latest thinking on creating positive online behaviours at a global forum in Melbourne this week.The Global Digital...

Schools Choose Dell to Personalize Learning and Innovate Student Engagement
Round Rock, TexasDell recommends five-step process to help schools implement personalized learningMore than 12 school districts in just the past two months choose Dell to transform learningEducators...

Tyler Pieron Announces School Board Candidacy
Boswells Tavern, VA Tyler Pieron announced his candidacy for the Louisa County School Board representing the Green Springs District. Mr. Pieron released the following statement to the media.As a...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tyler Pieron Announces School Board Candidacy

Boswells Tavern, VA Tyler Pieron announced his candidacy for the Louisa County School Board representing the Green Springs District. Mr. Pieron released the following statement to the media.

As a parent of three children, two of whom are enrolled in Louisa County Schools, I feel it is my duty to my children, and all the children of Louisa County, to be involved in their education and bring leadership, high moral and ethical standards, fiscal responsibility and a clear purpose to the board. I am proud of the great work our teachers and school staff do every day in providing a quality education, but they need more support, both in terms of effective policies and ensuring our tax dollars go to the right efforts. I am frustrated and outraged that our currently elected School Board includes a member that served as a character witness for a convicted sex offender who sexually assaulted a child within a Louisa County elementary school and owes more than $63,000 in delinquent property taxes. The Louisa County School Board needs a fresh start with new members who are able to focus their efforts on ensuring Louisa County Schools provide a quality education for all students through fiscally responsible budgets and effective policies. If I am elected to the School Board, I will do that.

The Green Springs District comprises western Louisa County east of Valentine Mill Road and includes the Spring Creek and Mountain Brooke communities. The election for the Louisa County School Board will take place on November 5, 2013.

Tyler Pieron
Pieron for LCSB


Tyler Pieron Announces School Board Candidacy

See also:

iTesso Launches iTessoU, an Easy-to-Use Online Learning Platform for its Cloud-Native PMS and CRS
iTesso, the global innovator in Cloud-native hotel enterprise management systems, announces the availability of iTessoU, a flexible new online learning and training platform for hotel staff. iTessoU's...

Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship
Some of the worlds foremost experts on digital citizenship will discuss the latest thinking on creating positive online behaviours at a global forum in Melbourne this week.The Global Digital...

Schools Choose Dell to Personalize Learning and Innovate Student Engagement
Round Rock, TexasDell recommends five-step process to help schools implement personalized learningMore than 12 school districts in just the past two months choose Dell to transform learningEducators...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Schools Choose Dell to Personalize Learning and Innovate Student Engagement

Round Rock, Texas

Dell recommends five-step process to help schools implement personalized learning
More than 12 school districts in just the past two months choose Dell to transform learning
Educators and IT administrators prefer Dell solutions for their manageability, affordability and scalability

Personalized learning approach is gaining momentum as more than 12 school districts in just the past two months chose Dell solutions and services to transform learning and innovate student engagement. Dell also announced today a five-step process to help schools create a pathway to personalize learning - where students needs and interests are guided by teachers to content mastery. The personalized learning framework is built on input from students, teachers and administrators around the world and findings from Dells Innovation in Education Think Tanks.

Personalized learning is more than a buzzword and its certainly more than providing students increased access to computers or implementing one-to-one computer programs, said Jon Phillips, worldwide education director, Dell. In a personalized approach, students invest in how they learn and how they show their learning through an on-going process of inquiry. Teachers have ready access to an array of personalization tools to meet student needs. And technology combines access to digital content for blended or collaborative learning with access to real-time data that helps teachers intercede when a student is struggling and helps students explore potential areas of interest more deeply.

Five Steps to Personalize Learning
Dell believes that personalized learning should be teacher-guided so that teachers use their knowledge of each student to individualize curriculum. It should be student-invested where students take advantage of a range of learning resources and tools to develop and apply content mastery. And, it should be technology-enriched to improve access to digital resources and performance data to improve student and teacher interaction and collaboration. Dells suggested five-step process to personalize learning includes:

1. establishing a vision for learning;
2. determining the right IT infrastructure;
3. preparing for a transition to student-centered learning;
4. ensuring access to technology at home and school; and
5. reinforcing professional learning.

Educators Prefer Dell solutions
Just in the past two months, these schools and several others have chosen Dell to help meet their district initiatives and address students learning needs:

Cabarrus County Schools in North Carolina
Dells Latitude 3330 helps our students become ready for the challenges they will face in college and career and encourages them to pursue learning outside of the walls of a classroom, says Katherine Propst, Cabarrus County Schools. We have been successful with implementing Windows devices due to their advantages in manageability and affordability. The Latitude 3330 delivers the high performance and reliability our schools expect with a Windows PC and is sleek and lightweight for students to use throughout the day.
Christian Brothers High School in Tennessee
We are very pleased with the products and services provided by Dell and we look forward to partnering with them as we continue to make the shift to an all-digital curriculum, said Chris Fay, Principal of Christian Brothers High School. Also, we will look to them as we phase in our comprehensive STEM curriculum. Our goal is to make science, technology, engineering, and math courses more accessible and approachable for our students. Our relationship with Dell is an integral part of our plan for a top-notch STEM experience.
Clear Creek Independent School District in Texas
The first building block to personalized learning is access to technology and the Internet, said Kevin Schwartz, Chief Technology Officer, Clear Creek Independent School District. You can get access with most any tablet, but to fully deliver personalized learning requires a device that works seamlessly with all systems. The Dell Latitude 10 provides all of those features at a price that allows us to extend the initiative to more students.
Duncanville Independent School District in Texas
The Dell Latitude 10 essentials configuration is a win-win solution for our district, said Dr. Larry McHaney, Deputy Superintendent for Learning Services at Duncanville ISD. Most important, Dells tablet helps our students and teachers get way beyond the printed pages of a textbook to meaningfully engage in learning while also providing an efficient solution for our technology division.
Fargo Public Schools in North Dakota
We want our students to learn the needed skills to be successful in the 21st century and we believe they must have the right devices at the ready that will help them not only consume information but also produce new projects and content, said Bill Westrick, IT Director, Fargo Public Schools. We chose Dell Windows 8 devices because teachers can integrate them into their existing curriculum; students can now produce information as easily as they can consume it and the Dell Latitude 10 tablets are easy for us to manage within our existing IT infrastructure.
Riverhead Central School District in New York
If a teacher requests a specific piece of software for a class, such as Adobe Acrobat, we simply reconfigure the machine pool for that lab and deliver that software directly from the Dell Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, said Robert Hines, Technology Coordinator at Riverhead Central School District. This is a huge improvement compared with sending all the students to a different lab where the software is physically installed on machines, which is what we did before.
San Antonio Independent School District in Texas
The Dell Latitude 10 tablets give our students a device for self-directed learning and literacy that enables them to go beyond the text and pursue their own interests and intellectual curiosities, said Marcos Zorola, Chief Information Officer, San Antonio Independent School District. Dells solution is the best for our school districts libraries because they not only deliver a great user experience, but the tablets are compatible with the library infrastructure simplifying their deployment and management.
Somers Central School District in New York
With the Dell Latitude 10, students can be consumers and producers of content and prepare for success in a demanding high tech world. For example, for our students social action video project, students can not only write a script, but they design the storyboard, shoot the video, and edit it all in the same place, said Chris White, Director of IT for Somers Central School District. Dell with Windows 8 also plays a critical in empowering students. In our personalized learning environment, students are able to instantly make their learning visible. As a result, teachers can gauge in real-time whether their students are understanding concepts and individualize their teaching techniques within a single 40 minute class.
Spartanburg School District 3 in South Carolina
Ultimately, its all about the learning experience, said Eric Levitt, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Spartanburg School District 3. Dell Windows 8 devices deliver our teachers and students an intuitive device for self-directed learning that delivers a personalized approach to education.
Spring Branch Independent School District in Texas
Over time our students and teachers struggled to leverage current education software and apps on their netbooks because the netbooks were intended for lighter workloads, said Wes Hargrove, Director of Technology at Spring Branch Independent School District. Dell addressed the need of increased use by providing a reliable, cost-effective data center solution that makes all the great online learning and education applications easier to access and use well. Our district now has the building blocks in place to continue to leverage technology in our schools curriculum for years to come.
Troup County School System in Georgia
Windows PCs have always been the most affordable, manageable and productive tools for our students to use, said Josh Moneypenny, Technology Director of Troup County School System. Dells combination of high-performance computers at an affordable price helps us provide more of our students and teachers the tools they need to make teaching and learning more interactive and engaging.
Westwood Independent School District in Texas
We were seeking solutions that would bring technology into the classroom, sparking We were seeking solutions that would bring technology into the classroom, sparking students desire to learn, and also expanding our districts educational opportunities beyond the classroom, explains Dr. Clint McLain, Assistant Superintendent and High School Principal, Westwood Independent School District. Additionally, Dells tablets provided the best way to address our online student assessment needs here in the State of Texas. These devices are innovative and will be enjoyable for our students to use.

Dells Next Generation Learning offerings provide a range of flexible education solutions and services including the Dell Learning Platform designed to help schools launch their path to personalize learning. The Optiplex 3011 All-in-One, Latitude 3330 laptop and Latitude 10 essentials configuration tablet are recent additions to Dells solutions that schools are finding helpful to meet their teaching and learning needs. The Dell Common Core Technology Readiness Assessment is also proving helpful to provide an analysis of a districts readiness to launch, support and sustain an effective online testing environment and to scale it based on student enrollment.

About Dell
Dell Inc. (NASDAQ: DELL) is committed to helping students develop the knowledge and skills they need to learn and succeed in an increasingly digital world and a globally competitive workforce. As a top provider of technology and services to schools, Dell listens to and works with students, educators, administrators, parents and community members around the world to deliver innovative technology and services that give them the power to do more in and out of the classroom. Learn more about Dell in Education at www.dell.com. Follow us on Twitter @DellEDU.

Dell, Dell Wyse, Latitude, OptiPlex and DVS Enterprise are trademarks of Dell Inc. Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.

News source: WebWire

Schools Choose Dell to Personalize Learning and Innovate Student Engagement

See also:

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action
Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred ActionRecently the government released figures on the number of young people who had applied for relief under the Deferred...

iTesso Launches iTessoU, an Easy-to-Use Online Learning Platform for its Cloud-Native PMS and CRS
iTesso, the global innovator in Cloud-native hotel enterprise management systems, announces the availability of iTessoU, a flexible new online learning and training platform for hotel staff. iTessoU's...

Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship
Some of the worlds foremost experts on digital citizenship will discuss the latest thinking on creating positive online behaviours at a global forum in Melbourne this week.The Global Digital...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship

Some of the worlds foremost experts on digital citizenship will discuss the latest thinking on creating positive online behaviours at a global forum in Melbourne this week.

The Global Digital Citizenship: Encouraging Safe and Responsible Online Use Forum - hosted by Telstra and the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) - will explore issues including the state of online safety around the globe, how to promote the idea of online citizenship and Australias response to cyber safety in a global perspective.

This is the first time a prestigious FOSI Forum has been held in Australia.

Telstra General Manager Digital Inclusion Jill Riseley, said while cyber safety has been in the spotlight for a number of years, Australia was now seeing a shift to digital citizenship.

Being a digital citizen means acquiring the skills, knowledge and critically the values to effectively and safely participate in the online world, Ms Riseley said.

The online future for global citizens is about being an empowered and responsible community member, much like in the offline world. As global inhabitants of the online world, digital citizens will be judged across all their online encounters, which will also resonate in their offline lives.

Were dedicated to ensuring our customers have confidence in the online world, and that means addressing access, economic, societal and behavioural barriers to the digital world.

This Forum will enable us to share the most up-to-date evidence from around the globe, to inform and give direction to future products and programs to help address the emerging digital citizenship divide.

The Family Online Safety Institutes CEO Stephen Balkam said Telstra was taking the lead in tackling the ever-changing nature of the online safety landscape by focusing on digital citizenship and exploring the potential for enhanced collaboration and improvements on current practice.

Technology has enormous positive potential for society, yet we face an ongoing challenge to minimise the risks of online engagement while maximising the positive benefits of technology, Mr Balkam said.

We believe that a combination of tools, rules and schools offers a holistic approach to Internet safety that ensures a positive, enriching online environment for all.

FOSI is pleased to partner with Telstra, a company globally acknowledged as a leader in the cyber safety space, to further examine these issues.

At the conference Mr Balkam will announce Australians would now have access to FOSIs APlatformforGood.org, an online resource centre brimming with helpful advice, tips and information aimed at increasing online citizenship for teenagers and their parents.

Were operating today in a digital world, and Im pleased to announce Australians will have access to our global platform for resources, ideas and discussions, Mr Balkam said.

We will partner with Netsafe and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation to bring Australasian specific content to the site for our new users, to help them become effective, safe and responsible digital citizens.

To view the full conference program for the Global Digital Citizenship Forum visit: http://www.fosi.org/fosi-events/melbourne-2013.html

Telstra and FOSI acknowledge our sponsors for the Global Digital Citizenship Forum: Australian Communications and Media Authoritys Cybersmart Program, Google and Microsoft three organisations which value digital citizenship and embody these principles through their programs and their work.

More information: www.telstra.com.au/cyber-safety

More information you can also find on website: Google Affiliate

News source: WebWire

Telstra and Family Online Safety Institute Forum spotlights digital citizenship

See also:

The Dreslyn Launches Summer 2013
In an online marketplace saturated with static, flat catalogues, multi-page checkout processes and rigid, mannequin-like models, THE DRESLYN a new online retailer from fashion industry veteran and...

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action
Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred ActionRecently the government released figures on the number of young people who had applied for relief under the Deferred...

iTesso Launches iTessoU, an Easy-to-Use Online Learning Platform for its Cloud-Native PMS and CRS
iTesso, the global innovator in Cloud-native hotel enterprise management systems, announces the availability of iTessoU, a flexible new online learning and training platform for hotel staff. iTessoU's...

iTesso Launches iTessoU, an Easy-to-Use Online Learning Platform for its Cloud-Native PMS and CRS

iTesso, the global innovator in Cloud-native hotel enterprise management systems, announces the availability of iTessoU, a flexible new online learning and training platform for hotel staff. iTessoU's specially developed e-learning modules radically change the way that hotel staff are trained on a new PMS, while reducing both initial and ongoing training costs for the property.

With the rollout of iTessoU, the iTesso Enterprise Lodging System is now even easier to implement and maintain at the property level, thanks to the use of brief, easy-to-navigate e-learning modules that provide continuous online education and system training for any hotel staff member who utilizes the system. This ensures that all training of future staff is conducted directly from iTesso, reducing the risk of information being passed down and diluted from generation to generation of employees.

Each iTessoU e-learning course is no longer than 10 minutes, so staff can quickly learn the information at their own pace, from work, home or even on the go. This eliminates the scheduling challenges and potential delays that are present in traditional classroom-style system training.

"iTessoU provides dozens of information-packed short courses that can easily be taken in between performing other tasks," says Erik Weller, Paradigm Executive for iTesso. "This does away with the need to schedule extra staff to cover the shifts of coworkers who are undergoing training. It also further increases the cost efficiencies of the system, since iTessoU e-learning is included with our affordable subscription-based fee."

In addition to its benefits to the property, students using iTessoU keep their login privileges for life, allowing them to retain their credits and certifications when moving to new employer. iTessoU issues electronic certificates when students have completed a set of courses. These certificates are built using the Mozilla Open Badges system, which allows users to display "badges" on websites or social media profiles that verify their credentials. iTessoU badges can be earned for a variety of disciplines, such as reservations agent, reservations supervisor, front desk agent, front desk supervisor, housekeeper and sales agent.

Students are informed when new versions of the courses they have previously taken become available so they can keep up with new features or developments in iTesso software.
Click here for an online demo of an iTessoU eLearning Course.

iTesso will be demonstrating iTessoU, as well as its flagship iTesso Enterprise Lodging System, at Booth 1017 of HITEC at the Minneapolis Convention Center, June 24-27. To schedule an appointment, please contact Patrick Scully at patrick.scully@itesso.com.

For more information on iTesso or iTessoU, please visit http://www.itesso.com.

About iTesso | iTesso (formerly known as Hotel Concepts-Brilliant) is a leading global provider of advanced software solutions to the global hospitality industry. The company's premier product is the iTesso Enterprise Lodging System, the world's first true Cloud-native Property Management (PMS) and Central Reservation System (CRS), operating on the Microsoft Windows Azure platform. This revolutionary new concept in hospitality software helps hotels to improve operational efficiency and significantly reduce the total cost of IT system ownership. Founded in 1994 and based in The Netherlands, iTesso maintains four main offices on three continents in order to provide local support to their hotel clients around the world. For more information, please visit http://www.itesso.com.

Contact Information: Melissa Feeser
Atlanta, Georgia
United States
Voice: 4079050608

iTesso Launches iTessoU, an Easy-to-Use Online Learning Platform for its Cloud-Native PMS and CRS

See also:

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NetPlenish Inc. announces today the release of ShopGenius, the new tool for people who hate to pay more than they should when shopping online.Our research shows 25% of shoppers that put items in their...

The Dreslyn Launches Summer 2013
In an online marketplace saturated with static, flat catalogues, multi-page checkout processes and rigid, mannequin-like models, THE DRESLYN a new online retailer from fashion industry veteran and...

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action
Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred ActionRecently the government released figures on the number of young people who had applied for relief under the Deferred...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action

Recently the government released figures on the number of young people who had applied for relief under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. As of April 30, the number of young undocumented immigrants applying for the program reached approximately 515,000, according to the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service. Of this figure, more than 141,000 applications were from California.

Since last August, the program has made it possible for many young people to receive a temporary two-year reprieve from the possibility of deportation. It also allows them to obtain a driver's license and work legally. The Senate continues to debate immigration reforms, but it is possible that young immigrants who meet the deferred-action criteria could seek citizenship and permanent legal residency after five years if immigration reform passes and is signed into law.

The speed with which the agency decides applications picked up from the beginning of the year. In January, roughly 150,000 young immigrants received deferred action. As of the end of April, the number almost doubled as the USCIS reported 291,859 people were granted deferred action.

What are the requirements of the program?

Age requirements are important. You need to be younger than 31 as of June 15, 2012 to be eligible for the program. A passport, birth certificate or school identification with a photo all are evidence to support your age. In addition, you would have needed to arrive in the U.S. before turning 16. This might be more difficult to prove, but an admission stamp, Form I-94 or travel records will generally support when you entered the country.

Continuous residency for the last five years and presence in the U.S. on June 15, 2012 and at the time of making the request are important. Rent receipts, school records and bank account information are ways to prove how long you have been in the country. The program also requires proof that you are currently in school, have a high school diploma or GED. Military service is also accepted.

When to consult an attorney

Filing requires several immigration forms and a fee that cannot be waived. You will want to ensure that you have sufficient documentation to support your request the first time. If you have ever had criminal charge or a conviction, it could mean that you are ineligible. The rules are complex and an attorney can advise of the immigration consequences of the charge or conviction.

If you traveled outside the U.S. between 2007 and 2012, it could affect your continuous residency. Travel that was brief, innocent and casual, however, will not usually interrupt your continuous residence. Traveling before receiving a decision on your application is in effect the same as withdrawing the application. Once the USCIS grants your deferred action request, you will still need to apply for advance parole before traveling.

An experienced immigration attorney can provide information about filing requirements, as well as review documents you submit with your application. Making sure the I's are dotted and T's crossed is one way to speed a decision.

Article provided by Hanlon Law Group, P.C.
Visit us at www.visaandgreencard.com

Contact Information: FL Web Advantage

More information you can also find on website: Lexington Law

Agency grants more young undocumented immigrants relief through Deferred Action

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Dreslyn Launches Summer 2013

In an online marketplace saturated with static, flat catalogues, multi-page checkout processes and rigid, mannequin-like models, THE DRESLYN a new online retailer from fashion industry veteran and former SSENSE womenswear head buyer Brooke Taylor Corcia is nothing short of a revelation.

Founded as a resource for confident, modern women, THE DRESLYN adds a visually stimulating specialty store sensibility to an otherwise sterile online shopping environment. With a distinct identity and mandate to promote diversity and independence, THE DRESLYN, in Taylor-Corcias words, challenges the assumption that the role of retailers is to interpret and dictate trends to an unsophisticated audience, and introduces a custom, first-in-kind shopping experience unrivaled by any other online retailer today.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, THE DRESLYN is highlighted by an unmistakably West Coast sensibility encouraging personal style, self-expression and body positivity, with a social, conversational tone that proves refreshing in contrast to the British stiff upper lip and New York seriousness that have as of yet dominated the world of high fashion e-commerce.

Officially launched in June 2013, THE DRESLYN currently offers womens apparel and select home goods from:

6397 / A.L.C. / A.P.C. / Band of Outsiders / BLK DNM / By Zoe / Capri Blue / Carven / Common Projects / Compagnie de Provence / Current/Elliott / Deborah Barnet / Eddie Borgo / Elizabeth & James / Giada Forte / Helmut Helmut Lang / Helmut Lang / Illesteva / Indigofera / IRO / Ivy Krizhner / Jennifer Fisher / Jerome Dreyfuss / Kathryn Amberleigh / LAgence / Loren Stewart / Lover / Maison Kitsune / Mason by Michelle Mason / MM6 Maison Martin Margiela / One Teaspoon / Opening Ceremony / Pamela Love / Pedro Garcia / R13 / Rag & Bone / Raquel Allegra / Reece Hudson / Rachel Comey / SEA / Simone / Sloosh / Soap & Paper Factory x Patch NYC / Soyer / Taiana / Tess Giberson / The Dreslyn Home / Theory / Theyskens Theory / Unearthen / Wayne / Yves Salomon / Zimmermann

The DRESLYN philosophy:
The DRESLYN is style before fashion.
Its about finding your voice and breaking the rules.
About standing apart, but not alone.
We believe in style with substance and enjoying the ride.
Come join the tribe.


High-res images, interviews, product samples, video & custom editorial available upon request.

More information you can also find on website: Fashion Style

News source: PRWeb

The Dreslyn Launches Summer 2013

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Price Comparison Just Got Automated at 50 Top e-commerce Websites

NetPlenish Inc. announces today the release of ShopGenius, the new tool for people who hate to pay more than they should when shopping online.

Our research shows 25% of shoppers that put items in their carts don't click the buy button stating "it's too expensive as their reason.

Interestingly, 87% of those same shoppers immediately go look for a cheaper price somewhere else online. Now, with a new free tool called ShopGenius, searching for a better deal is a thing of the past.

ShopGenius is a free tool shoppers can download for their Chrome, Safari or Firefox browsers. Once downloaded, price comparison on top sites such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, Staples, BestBuy becomes automatic.

Here is how it works: If someone is shopping for a new camera at Amazon.com, without them having to leave the page they are on, ShopGenius will automatically appear in the very top corner of their browser window either confirming Amazon is the lowest price, or showing them another online merchant with a better deal. If they like the better deal, they simply click that store and a new window will open up taking them directly to that product and merchant. It is just that easy to use.

ShopGenius is a free tool that contains no spyware, malware or ads. It stays hidden from view and never appears unless it can save the shopper money. It is really quite genius.

ShopGenius can be download at http://www.shopgeniusapp.com.

ShopGenius was created by NetPlenish Inc, a leader in online price comparison tools which has been featured in Fox Business, Wall St. Journal, AOL, TechCrunch and NY1. NetPlenish Inc. is housed inside the city of Ventura California's V2TC tech incubator.

More information you can also find on website: Shopping

News source: PRWeb

Price Comparison Just Got Automated at 50 Top e-commerce Websites

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