Sunday, July 7, 2013

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

This ignorance stems from one fundamental factor. We are still fuzzy about the true nature of the brain and mind and the differences between the two. Lets examine the mind first.

Our experts are so confused about the mind that we do not have mind as a topic in High School psychology text books. Yet it is the mind that is the most important part of our being human.

One of the big problems of science is that we are obsessed with defining the mind only after we can scientifically prove what the mind is. The focus is on trying to figure out what is the mind before we can teach about the mind.

Indeed the area of knowledge on the mind is dark and yet isn't some light better than no light?

Would you like to see your mind? Your self image is the face of your mind. You change your self image you change your mind. You educate your self image, you educate your mind. Till the time we are able to define the mind scientifically we can say that the self image is the mind. Mind education can be none other than self image education; at least for the time being. The main factor is that we do not need to know exactly what the mind is to educate the mind into becoming +2 super mature.

However self image education must be introduced on it's own accord. It is the quality of the self image that determines the quality of the emotional intelligence. Thus emotional intelligence education is self image education. Isn't it amazing that the self image is the litmus test of a super mature mind and yet the self image as a subject that needs to be studied, researched and taught is totally missing.

It is astounding how our experts have missed the importance of educating the self image; after all educating the self image is educating the mind.

All the human made mess in society is due to emotionally challenged behavior which is caused by the impure/phony/defective self image. Educating the self image into becoming the pure self will take away most of the man made mess and will make the whole society wise.

Thus the main factor is that we do not need to know exactly what the mind is to educate the mind into becoming +2 super mature. All we need to do is educate the self image and we will be educating the mind.

It is about time our text book writers and our experts introduced self image as a topic in psychology education. And a whole new bunch of researchers must take up researching the self image; what it is and how each and every self image can be transformed into becoming the pure self.

Are you going to keep talking the talk of improving education or are you ready to walk the walk for real education reform?

This press release is also addressed to all our education leaders; including Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Google Bosses, Mark Zuckerberg, Mayor Bloomberg, Senator Kerry, Senator McCain, Senator Menendez, soon to be Senator Booker, China leadership, Sheikha Mozah, Queen Noor, Harry Cahill, Education Secretary, Prince Charles, Deepak Chopra and Meera Gandhi etc.

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

More information you can also find on website: Google Affiliate

President Obama: How Long Are You Going to Let the Ignorance of Our Education Experts Dictate Education Policy?

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